I recommend a whole food and whole grain plant based diet, low in fat and without industrially processed foods.
The diet is made up of raw and cooked food from the following food groups:
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Whole grains
- Pulses: beans, chick peas, lentils, peas, lupins and soy beans
- Root vegetables rich in starch, especially potatoes and cassava
- Nuts and seeds, especially linseed
To have a proper diet with all the nutrients, it is important to eat food from ALL these groups and to take the following dietary supplements:
- Vitamin B12 – choose only ONE:
- 1.000 Microgrammes 3x/week Cyanocobalamin Tablets
- 3x/year 1.500microgrammes Hydroxocobalamin sub-cutaneous injections
2. Vitamin D: 20.000iE 1x/week in winter and in summer get some sunshine
3. Algae oil with DHA/EPA: 250mg/day
→ I advise against a raw food diet because it is lacking in calories, proteins and essential nutrients. Over the long term a raw food diet can harm you, especially woman, pregnant women, children and the elderly. I advise a diet comprising no more than 30% raw food.
I advise regular consultations with a doctor who specializes in nutrition and the prevention of diseases: once every 2 years for adults and once a year for children, pregnant women and breast feeding infants.
I also advise getting a blood test once a year to check the following: Vitamin B12, HoloTranscobalamin, Homocysteine, Haemogram, Ferritin, Vitamin D.
Children under 5 years old should not eat a fat reduced diet.
“The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics takes the following view: a properly planned vegan diet is not only healthy, it also has advantages for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. This diet is suitable for all stages of life, including pregnancy, breast feeding, childhood, adolescence, old age and for sports people.”